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BASIL National Training Project - Basic Skills for Inclusive Learning

National Training Project for Literacy, Numeracy and ESOL Teachers and Trainers Working With Adults with Learning Difficulties or Disabilities

What is the Project?

As part of the Government's Skills for Life Strategy, the National Institute of Adult Continuing Education (NIACE) and the Learning and Skills Development Agency (LSDA) in collaboration with the Basic Skills Agency (BSA), are jointly leading a consortium of key national organisations, contracted by the DfES, including:

� National Bureau for students with disabilities (SKILL)
� London Language and Literacy Unit, South Bank University (LLLU)
� University for industry (Ufi)
� Cambridge Training and Development (CTAD)
� Birmingham Rathbone
� British Institute of Learning Disabilities (BILD)

to develop and deliver two intensive teacher training programmes to support literacy, numeracy and English for speakers of other languages (ESOL) teachers and trainers who are working with learners who have learning difficulties or disabilities.

Who is the training for?

If you are a full-time or part-time teacher or trainer, working for six or more hours per week, teaching literacy, numeracy or ESOL to adults with learning difficulties or disabilities, you will be eligible to participate in this essential training. You may be working in:

� Colleges
� LEA Programmes
� Voluntary Organisations
� Private training providers
� Work-based providers
� Prisons
� Organisations providing ESOL to refugees and asylum seekers
� Health care providers

What is the format of the training?

There will be 2 separate strands of training - each strand will focus on one of two curriculum documents: � The Adult Pre-entry Curriculum Framework for Literacy and Numeracy (Strand A) � Access for all - guidance on making the literacy and numeracy core curricula accessible to all learners (Strand B) 3000 teachers and trainers (1500 for each Strand) in total, will be trained. Each programme will be delivered over 3 linked days and will be free, with paid cover provided. You may need or opt to attend both Strand A and B training programmes.

What does each strand of training cover?

The training aims to give you:

� A good working knowledge of the new curriculum document
� Effective strategies and support materials to apply the curriculum in your teaching
� An update on recent developments in theory and pedagogy

Where will the training take place?

Across 9 regions in England and within the 47 local LSCs ( Learning and Skills Council) areas. The list of locations will be sent out with application forms during March 2002. When will the training take place? The 3 linked day programmes will take place between May and September 2002.

How can I get involved?

Applications will be accepted on a first-come first-served basis. If you contact the Training Support Unit at NIACE, you can be placed on a mailing list for more general information or be included on the application pack mailing list at:

NIACE Training Support Unit
Fax: 0116-285-9670
[email protected]

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