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For press enquiries, including comments from Skill, briefings on issues and to find case studies, please contact Liz Victor at Skill:
Tel: 0207 450 0643 (direct line - office hours)
Tel: 0207 450 0620 (reception - office hours)
Tel: 07890 419 867 (mobile - out of office hours)
Fax: 0207 450 0650

Skill often contributes articles to magazines and journals on topics in its field. Contact Liz Victor at Skill to discuss possible contributions.

Key facts for journalists:

- Between 12 and 20% of the population is estimated to have a disability, but only 4% of students in higher education were known to have a disability in 2000/01.

- Skill's Information Service answered 6199 enquiries, 2552 of which were from disabled students, from April 2001-April 2002.

- From September 2002, for the first time, disabled people will have legal rights in education. (The DDA Part 4: Education (Special Educational Needs and Disability Act) became law in May 2001. It is an amendment to the Disability Discrimination Act 1995 and covers pre- and post-16 education, making discrimination against disabled students in the provision of education unlawful from September 2002 in England, Wales and Scotland.)

- Recent Skill research identified that there is a lack of post 16 provision for learners with profound and complex learning difficulties.

The Information section of the Skill website includes information booklets on a wide range of issues affecting disabled students, trainees and jobseekers.

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� Skill: National Bureau for Students with Disabilities is a company limited by guarantee (2397897) and a registered charity (801971).
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