News Policy
Courses |
GREAT at Papworth
GREAT is part of the services offered by Papworth
Trust. It creates opportunities for unemployed graduates with a disability
in Cambridgeshire, Norfolk, Suffolk, Essex, Bedfordshire, Hertfordshire,
Peterborough and Thurrock. Individuals should contact Julia Peel on 01480
357289, or email [email protected]
The programme includes:
Relevant work experience through targeted work placements
Access to training workshops to enhance key employability skills
Assistance with job search
On-going support to the employer and employee once the graduate has started
[28th August 2002]
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U Can Do I.T. Internet tuition
U Can Do I.T., a London wide charity, provides
low cost tuition for disabled people in their own home. Students need
to have access to a reasonably up to date computer and a modem. To find
out more, Tel: 020 7730 7766, Email:
[13th December 2001]
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UK Advice Finder
UK Advice Finder is a comprehensive database
of advice and welfare agencies in the UK. For further information, Tel:
020 7494 2408, Fax: 020 7287 8928, Email: [email protected] or visit
[14th December 2001]
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Action for Blind People Jobs Service
Action for Blind People is running a new service to give visually
impaired Londoners training and support to find or retain work. It will operate through
partnerships with organisations like community centres, disability groups and training
services. Partners will provide access to mainstream training programmes and other
opportunities, premises and equipment, while ABP will offer training, software and support
services. The project will also help visually impaired people get further or higher
education. Tel:020 7635 4800 or visit:
[14th December 2001]
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The Orpheus Centre
The Orpheus Centre is an accessible residential
performing arts centre offering weekend and one week courses. Tel: 01883
744 664, Fax: 01883 744 994, Email: [email protected] or visit
[14th December 2001]
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Listening Books
Listening Books provides a postal audio book library service to
anyone who suffers from an illness or disability which makes it impossible or difficult to
hold a book, turn its pages, or read in the usual way. Our service is available to
institutions such as Hospitals, Residential and Nursing Homes and Schools, as well as to
individuals. For more info, go to
[14th December 2001]
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E-Braille list
The ability to produce, display and store Braille books
electronically opens up many opportunities for blind people. Information can now be stored
on disk and CD-ROM and can be read with paperless Braille devices. The E-Braille list is a
forum for people interested in electronic Braille. This forum considers issues such as
transcribing Braille books, Braille translation software and reading electronic Braille.
To subscribe to this list send a blank email message to [email protected]
[14th December 2001]
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